Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Time is relative

I was missing Watt the other night, and again tonight, and mad at myself for it, and something dawned on me. As I tried to remind myself why I stopped dating such a great guy, and then remembered Watt wasn't where I was at in life, which is why I'd might the right choice to end things, I remembered that the choice to break things off, as hard as it was, was also a very easy choice at the time.

Once you've gotten to that point in life where you love yourself as much as you should, where you realize your true value, you're unwilling to settle for anyone who can't, won't, or doesn't love and value you just as much. Again, Watt knew my value, but he wasn't in a place to show me that.

So, I'm feel'n this being 40 is fabulous thing again. I'm feeling fortunate that I have gotten to this place where I almost don't have a choice. I spent enough of my younger years where I loved myself less, and allowed others to love me as little, that the wisdom age has brought me can no longer afford that kind of misfortune.

Another thought has recently hit me. While I still feel like I am going to meet someone, very soon, it wouldn't matter if I didn't meet them as soon as I think I will. I know I'll meet someone when the time is right. And, whether that happens sooner or later, I'll still get to spend at least 40 years with this person, probably even more years if I keep eating as healthy as I do. Plus, I always thought I'd live to be 95 or 96. So, if I met someone this year, that's 55-56 years I'll get to spend with them.

The point? Age really does rock. I would have never had this perspective years ago. I would have never thought about how my cup runeth over or about how much time time I'll have with the right guy when I meet him. I would have been too busy thinking about how much time had passed without him. If 40 has been my lifetime, and I am going to get to spend at least that much time with my best friend, that's amazing.

Anyway, go age! It's fabulous.

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