Friday, March 5, 2010

Bad neighbors suck. Good neighbors ROCK!

I do not have the energy right now to get completely into why the neighbors who share a wall with me are the suck-iest most horrible neighbors ever, but I'll do my best to let some of the annoyances that have built up over two years slip on out. (One hint. And, only one part of the problem: Noisy, noisy, noisy. Constantly noisy.)

When I got home yesterday evening, and was already beaten up by the work day, the last thing I needed was a butthead neighbor run in, but I got one. The husband of the wife (the wife who is also the niece of the property manager for the apartments) decided to not look at me as I was coming up the drive in my car, that his car was blocking, yet again, but decided to, instead, blatantly spit into the cement where I was just about to drive. And there it is, on top of everything they’ve already done to make my living situation uncomfortable and bordering on unbearable, he spat at me? Who F’n does that? Really? That’s not only low and dirty; it’s passive violence, just like passive aggressive. But spitting isn't trying to hide something like passive aggression. It's out there. There is no misinterpreting that one.

Yes, folks, I have the delight of living next door to a family of three sharing a one-bedroom apartment with hard wood floors and no carpet who, because they are the family members of the property management, could care less about me. No, sir. They call me the quiet bitch who needs to get a life and who needs to quit complaining about others. You see, their pea-sized brains cannot seem to comprehend the fact that I've had 7 other neighbors living next to me in their apartment, yet I've never heard such noise before and have never before, in my 22 years of apartment living, complained about any neighbor. That says something, but they cannot seem to figure out what that is. I can. Quit F'n making me live next door to noise that sounds like constant construction! And, quit calling me a bitch when I ask you nicely to try to keep it down.

Now my other neighbors, on the other side, who share not a wall but a patio with me, they totally rock. They found me crying, unfortunately for the second time, because of these butthead neighbors. (My armor is getting more and more cracks in it and I do not know how much more I can take. It's just been too much.) I held it all in whilst I locked my car doors and passed by the Butthead-Neighbor-Husband, but once I got back to my kitchen door, which is within the patio I share with the neighbors who rock, the tears started rolling. I'm telling you, so, so, so much more has happened with the butthead neighbors beyond this snip-it. The short of it? Because of them my home is no longer my haven. It’s turning into my hell.

Anyway, right in the middle of crying, having my emotions taxed beyond that which I wanted to consent to, Heather and Chad, the great neighbors, upon seeing/overhearing that I was a total broken down and overwrought girl crying in her kitchen (dealing with this bull-S situation), said, “Come with us! Go to the bar with us. Yes, it’s a work night. We know. We know. But we’d recommend it. You need it. Just come!”
So, I did. It was a great recommendation. Once I got to the bar with them, even before the first sip of wine, I began to feel more relaxed than I have in a couple of weeks. Seriously, damn if I didn’t need that.

So… Thanks, great neighbors and great friends! Without you I think I’d be going a little more crazy dealing with the other butthead/A-hole neighbors. Oh, and thank you red wine. You might make me fat in the long run, but you make me A-okay in the my-neighbors-suck-please-help-me-deal-with-it short run. No, I do not advocate alcoholism. But we're talking about me here, and everyone who knows me has heard me say that wine is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. Therefore, also thanks cocktail napkin, which is where I read that divine wisdom.

But no thanks to the butthead neighbors who will never read this blog, but if they ever do all I can say to them is: YOU SUCK! HARD! No, really, you are the dirt on the bottom of my shoe in your inconsideration and nastiness.

Oohf! That was a load. I told myself I’d never use my blog to vent, but guess what? The bad neighbors, yeah, they are that bad!!! So, that's that.

Keep being fabulous! And, be a good neighbor!

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